The end of September brought a trip for me to San Diego and a birthday surprise. Although I am slightly embarrassed about the surprise event, we had a great time at a Britney Spears concert. Pretty hilariously entertaining. It was so good to see friends and have a little time to do some wine tasting and some real shopping too!
The next week Mom and I hosted my old roommates from California. Three girls and two beautiful babies. This is the first time that they have experienced The Land of Enchantment and all of its glory. They were impressed especially with the food and the skies. We did Acoma, Santa Fe and of course, the main event - Balloon Fiesta. They now want to come back with the rest of their families. We had a great time and they were totally enchanted.
The next week we got all of us packed up and made the trek all the way across the country to my cousin's wedding in New Hampshire. So, so beautiful and so, so good to see family and celebrate. The plane rides made me a little nervous, but went surprisingly well. It was hard to be that far away from home, but I know that Mom enjoyed our Duck tour in Boston and the beautiful leaves on the way to Jackson, NH and the little bit of snow we got to see and the fun time with family.
In the midst of all this I continue to work full time and still coordinate Mom's schedule. Not an easy job. So many friends and I can barely fit them all into our schedule. We are still doing the tube feeding about 6 times a day and Mom is needing more intense help with the activities of daily living. Very time consuming. She still loves walking and movies and being with friends - a little bragging, but we have been told that her smiles are biggest for Jeremy, Naomi and me. It is so variable whether she has energy or is feeling well. This makes it difficult to make plans too far into the future. But I am so very thankful for the friends and family who have committed to spending time with Mom regularly. As par for the course, I have been able to share some of my professional expertise as Mom is needing more and more skilled care. It is not easy to take care of some one you love in this way, but I do know that it is so important. We are all going to be there someday and to show this kind of love, especially for a friend, a sister, a mother, a child; this can be such a precious time.
I am back at work today, the last of three, and then we will have four days off together, in Albuquerque, to do what ever we want. We are thinking of swimming at a friend's house and taking a walk to see the sandhill cranes.
Oh, I hope your last three days and today have been so restful and renewing, Shelby. Thanks for catching us up.