Sunday, November 1, 2009

Cranes & Swimming

Finally, Monday came and I knew I had four precious days off. So, motivated to get the most of the time, I woke up early and got a run in. Came back and got Mom showered and myself ready. Not an easy plan of events to complete by 10am. Eventually, by about 11 we made it down to my Aunt & Uncle's and with Jeremy also we made it to the open space to see the cranes. Beautiful, the sun, the peaceful field and as Mom approached the cranes, they took off, slowly circled and flew away.

The next day, I had a work meeting and Mom got to see the hospice nurse. After the morning of activities we loaded up and made our way up to the foothills and enjoyed a very relaxing soak in the hot tub. This was the first time Mom has had a soak since she had the feeding tube placed. And thankfully the entire activity was very uneventful. To see her muscles twitching all over her body continually - it must feel so good to defy gravity in such a small way and have a slight change of perception.

Today, we finally made it to church. I had been so looking forward to this fellowship, and was challenged by the events of the morning to be able to enjoy the communion and people. Mom was so glad to see everyone and flitted around giving hugs out. So good to see her enjoy something that has always been such an important part of her life.

So often I find myself wondering what is going to happen next and will I be able to handle what I am faced with.


  1. hey shelbs! You and all of the "next happenings" are in His hands. Rest there.
    Love you both and praying for you

  2. Shelby,
    I have been away from your blog for a while and just back to catching up. Linda has kept me up to date. October was very hectic for you guys. I will be in ABQ on the 15th; would love to come by for a visit with your Mom.
    Love and prayers,
