Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I am continually amazed by the responses I have received since I have started this written expression of our journey. So many people have told me that they have read it and passed it along. Friends that I was close to in childhood, in high school, at summer camps, church, nursing school, California friends, patients I have taken care of and their families, first and second cousins and new friends have responded. I have received emails of encouragement that I didn't even know I needed. Thank you.

I am also so amazed by the response from many people I don't even really know, these being Mom's dear friends. I knew she was out-going and considerate, generous, loving, thoughtful, fun, honest, encouraging, inspiring, patient, hard working and humble. Now I am seeing the evidence of all of these combined qualities. The other day one of Mom's fellow teaching friends told me about a bouquet of gladiolas Mom had given her. One of Dad's co-workers was sitting behind Mom and me at church a couple of Sundays ago; he introduced himself and told me how instrumental Dad had been in his life and his wife is now in Mom's Bible study. Last week I heard for the first time how Dad and Mom were investing in and enjoying a precious friendship the night before Dad died. More than one friend who knew Mom in high school told me she has always been their role model. Friends Mom had in Young Life before I was born are as close as ever. A friend Mom was a cheerleader with in high school made it possible for Mom and me to go on an Alaskan cruise last fall (will share more details about this one later). And we have a very special eclectic group who have become part of our everyday lives. These friends have learned how to help Mom with her tube feeding, water her garden, and most importantly spend time with a precious friend. The picture of true friendship - always there, unconditional love.

I was talking with my best friend last night and we came to the conclusion that one very important reason we have friends is to walk together. I am so thankful that she is at a point in her life where she can support and love Mom and me. We both came to the next conclusion that at some point I will get to walk with her when she is having trouble standing strong.

I know that the Lord will only give us what we can handle - but of course it is not by ourselves we handle. We need Him and those He places in our lives to work though with His love. Sometimes it is so hard for me to trust that He is really loving. But I am so glad that I have physical love to appreciate too. Thank you all.


  1. I am so very glad you are able to know and to express the joy and the beauty you are finding mingled with your sadness and pain. Love you all.

  2. Thank you for sharing from your beautiful heart. You have a wonderful way of expressing your thoughts, much like your mom. Our Love

  3. So true Shelbs! Friends are a beautiful picture of God's love. I'm so glad you are feeling it

  4. Shelby, Thank you for posting, sharing, and being so transparent about what you are going through and about how your faith is being stretched and tested. My time with you all was a blessing and an honor.
